Oh the pain.
SO yesterday was sheer terror. !st day after leg workout. It literally took me 10 minutes to get down the stairs. By the time I say my trainier again today I was able to get it down to 2 minutes. Try walking down the stairs with a 12 pound baby in tow looking at you grimince with each stepand taking what to her seems like BLOODY FOREVER.
So I told him to take it easy reminding him of what pain I was in. Good pain though, but That I have 13 steps to go up and down to do a diaper change for my daughter.
SO he was kind doing upper body today but still had to do freaking STEPS. AHHHHHHHH
But it will all be worth while. But why did I have to tell him aobut the chinese food takeout from Wed night? oh wait. ITS CUZ HE"S HOT. CANT LIE. SO he stepped up my cardio because of it. BASTARD. AH but hes hot.
I'm gonna have to see if I can get a picture of him. SO I can pin him up to remind me why I go thru this. Oh wait I'm doing this so I can be a health mom for my daughter. ANd to get back into those size 16 suade pants :-)
I can't read this post because it's in yellow. can you change your font colour please?
yeah so i'm a BIG OLD KNOB. slip of the mouse got me the yellow
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