Saturday, April 21, 2007


GOod lord 3 more weeks.

I cant wait. Im tired of being tired. STILL not getting to sleep at decent times. BUT at least I have the opportunity to nap when meagan takes her nap. THOUGH this week has been quite busy that only thursday was the first day this week I could join her in her naps.

Still not getting much done. GOT all my suplies ready for my hospital bag. I think. HAve to go over the list again. BUT NOWHERE near ready with theis computer room getting cleaned out to turn into a baby room.

I think I'm going to have my sister come over on Thursday so I can tackle it.

I'm hoping Baby will stay a little longer in me and not come early.

So far baby hasn't dropped. THANK GOD. I'll get worried when it does. BUT I'm getting MAD BH contractions.

WE went for a walk along the lakefront yesterday. NOTHING MUCH, had meagan in the stroller as I was not planning on chasing her. AND the slow pace I was going was bringing on contractions. GOD that was hell. Especially since I left my cellphone at home.

we did have an interesting weekend last weekend. WEll Friday at least. My last day of work I spent 3 hours in the ER. the day before a client of mine came to centre AFTER having Diarhea all night and morning.

WHY they parents sent him to school and then to us we are still unsure. So 3:20 am I get the sudden urge to vomit. Run to the bathroom. Urge goes away but I now need to pee. So here I am on the toilet and then vomitting into the tub. Thinking ok MAYBE this is my lovely morning sickness and I'll feel better not that its done.

NOPE not feeling better. SO I call my program director to call in sick. VOMIT AGAIN. call my supervisor to let her know she needs to change the schedule. VOMIT AGAIN.
I vomitted ever 10 mintes until 5am.
Chris woke at 4am as usual. HAD him call my mom so that someone can be at the house for Meagan when she wakes. SO did not want to bring her along with us.
So it took some time for my mom to get here. BUT thats ok.

GET to ER at 5am. go for the NST in maternity ward. THEY put us in a room thats like 8x11. SOOOOOOO SMALL. All is fine with baby. BACK to ER we go. GET IV and GRAVOL. we were amazed with the nurse. I have really deep veins and most of the time they colapse when trying to withdraw blood. WELL she got it fist try. WITHOUT hurting me.

SO all was well but find out I have an kidney infections. CRAP I have been forgetting all week to take the dang pills. I remember once or twice a day. I'm horrible.

So we see the midwives on monday and I was asking her IF we can request the room we had last time. IT was HUGE had a shower in the bathroom and the room was at least 16x16. SO hopefully baby will not arrive during the full moon when MORE WOMEN seem to go into labour. BUT other than that I hope we can get a large room.

BUT i technically I only laboured for 5 hours with meagan. Does it really matter the size of the room.


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