Sunday, March 04, 2007


SO I thought I had the Brunt of this pregnancy under wraps.

AFTER all the early Nausia, bleeding stress and everything else. WHEN they all tappered off around week 22-24 I thought I was safe.

WELL not really. I haven't had a good night sleep in 3 weeks. THAT could be in part of me staying up later to watch TV but even on the weekend I'm having a hard time getting my ass into bed for 9 so THat I can get sleep before Meagan wakes at 7.

THEN I'm now finishing a nasty Upper Respiratory Tract infection. YUMMY. Have had it for 1 1/2 weeks now. WAS really bad at the begining Fever for 3 days. NOT EATING. Lived in a fog for 5 days. UNTIL this past monday I decided to see my family doctor about it. CUZ it was not no common cold.
I'm still stuck with this cough that no matter HOW MUCH or HOW HARD I cough. IT JUST does not satisfy the urge/tingle at the back of my throat.

I am looking forward to this week being off. I'm going to spend most of this week cleaning the house and cleaning out this computer room. THE HOPE. a little baby will occupy this room very shortly. Still uncertain IF the computer is staying. STILL uncertain HOW things will look in this room. BUT if I can get it cleaned out. THATS one step closer.

Especially Since April 13th is my last day of work and theres so much to be done in the next month. Because even though I'm taking off almost 1 month before due day. well 1 month minus 2 days. I dont think I'm making it to the 11th of MAY.

AT my last midwife appointment SHe mentioned I was STILL measuring Larger. by 2 1/2 weeks. At that time I was 27 1/2 weeks measuring at 30 weeks.
Now many people have mentioned that ITS no cause for alarm, but my midwife mentioned I might need another ultrasound to verify all is well with the little one.

I really dont want to be induced. I really dont want another epidural. AND I definityl dont want a c-section. BUT only time will tell. in the next 10 weeks.

Well I best be going. Hear the pitter patter of little feet. Miss Meagan has awaken from her nap.

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