Wednesday, October 18, 2006

So we went to the Midwifes

That was good. Because until last friday NEVER thought of Twins. We desperatly wanted twins first time around and had so many ultrasounds with the fertility clinic that I was upset the first time they mentioned no twins.

But That thought never came into my head until Friday. So while we were there they tried to hear the heartbeat. But at just past 10 weeks was a no go. But my midwife mentioned that if there were twins my uterus would be larger than it was (not yet past pubic bone)

I'm still having a hell of a time with this nausia. It just wont GO AWAY. I was so looking forward to my dinner of pasta this evening and had a 1/4 of my meal and STILL not feeling well from it.

GOD I HOPE IT PASSES AFTER 12 WEEKS. If not I'm definitly getting a perscription at my next visit

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