Tuesday, August 15, 2006

OK I pledge to be here more

Can I say when I normally come here to post, Isusally make my way to my website that tracks my visits.

It is so cool that there is someone visiting my site EVERYDAY. Usually some of the girls from the one website I frequent. (which the www. page is still a secret to everyone I know, Why dont know, guilty preasure I guess) or those girls linking from their own blog page.

Whats even more interesting is people going google serches and my page comes up. THere was one person who serched about daughters and found me on page 42. Sorry but if I'm doing a google serch and what I want is not on first 5 MAYBE 10 pages I'm making my request a little more specific.

sometimes its nice to see when your having a bad day and feeling blue, (as I am today) its nice to know that there are people out there that care to see whats new in my life.

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